速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Happy Milk

Happy Milk





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:#23 , MES Road , Jalahalli Village , next to Mother Theresa School , Bahubali Nagar Bangalore Karnataka

Happy Milk(圖1)-速報App

Happy Milk was born out of a desire to provide you and your family with fresh, lip-smacking and wholesome milk. Our milk is produced by happy unconfined cows, fed on organically grown fodder, using state-of-the-art German technology that ensures zero contamination or adulteration.

Happy Milk(圖2)-速報App

We are a team of extremely passionate & experienced individuals who are here to bring back Real Milk into the market – Fresh, Untouched & Organic!

Happy Milk(圖3)-速報App

With our own Single Source farm in Tumkur, it allows us to have complete control over the quality & freshness of the milk from fodder to table.

Happy Milk(圖4)-速報App

Partnering with Germans for the technology and Israeli consultants for the animal husbandry has helped us reach international standards in terms of quality of the milk and the cow’s health.

Happy Milk(圖5)-速報App

We truly believe that Happy Cows give Happy Milk. Precisely why we create a stress free & green environment in the farm for them.

Happy Milk(圖6)-速報App

#MrMilkman #milkmanapps